Respuestas a consultas de búsqueda


Hace ya muchos años que los buscadores son capaces de responder a preguntas, normalmente elementos sencillos que facilitan lo que el usuario está buscando. Y es por eso que Microsoft se ha hecho con Presenting instant answers to internet queries que básicamente, como su nombre indica, se queda con los llamados «onebox» de respuesta directa.

El sistema es sencillo… el usuario realiza una consulta de búsqueda y, dependiendo de lo que se esté buscando (mediante palabras clave o combinaciones) se devuelve el resultado directamente.

One or more computer-storage media having computer-executable instructions embodied thereon for performing a method of providing a response to a query request, the method comprising: receiving the query request that includes query terms from a requester, wherein the requester is not registered to receive the response; referencing data submitted by a user authorized to submit the data, which data include potential responses to the query request, such that the data include the following modules that have been validated as valid modules that are in a file format compatible with a format of a type selected from Extensible Markup Language (XML), Comma Separated Values (CSV), and Tab Delimited, (1) a data module that includes information to be used to provide a potential response to a given search query, wherein the potential response includes a subject, a term and a term value, (2) a feed-mapping module that provides a translation for the information of the data module to be interpreted regardless of the formatting of the information, (3) a display-mapping module that provides a preferred presentation style for the potential response, and (4) a query-matching module that includes at least one trigger phrase associated with the potential response, such that the trigger phrase initiates the potential response; identifying the potential response based on a pattern match between the query terms and the query-matching module, wherein the information of the identified potential response is extracted utilizing the feed-mapping module; and presenting the extracted information to the requester such that the extracted information is presented according to the display-mapping module.


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